Customer Reviews
Average Rating: 5
Great Mic

I am a sound engineer who works at a small church. The church's structure is steel, the walls are drywall. The church is brand new so the contractor installed 4 wireless sure slx4 mics. The pastor uses the sure lapel mic. The sure mic has drop out issues and I had done everything possible to correct the problem. I bought bigger antenas, changed the channel etc... I even placed the sure mic unit on the stage 15 feel from the podium and still had issues. The contractor even brought in another Sure unit and it did the same thing. I brought my GTD- 622 unit with the GTD lapel mic and had no drop outs. The unit is in the sound booth 50 feet away. The only downside with the GTD 622 is it does not have an automatic channel search. The way I get around that is to turn on the unit with the mic off and watch the levels to see if they are moving.Kevin Rice (05 Dec 2019, 15:23)
Great low cost high preforming wireless microphone.

We used three of the g22 microphones Along side the sure top of the line wireless microphone and found that both sound well in outdoor Fair type venues. Although I the sure would get feed back if used too close to a speaker. The GTD however never missed a beer in front of speaker or not. The range is also very comparable. Although truth be told GTD would work at a farther distance. The cost to repair and and easy to use GTD microphone is by far the better option for us. It is the most cost effective system out there.Dale (07 Jul 2018, 18:52)
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